A quick guide on TypeScript
I spent last week on learning Typescript and the way I look at it is that in true sense it’s just to make the lives of Javascript developers little better… :).
Javascript is dynamically typed language. It offers a great level of flexibility but at the same time, one gets to know about the errors only at the runtime. Typescript just fills this gap as it’s a statically typed language. Many of the errors which in case of Javascript one gets at runtime, can be easily caught at the compilation stage. It has it’s own tsc compiler which compiles this into a javascript code. Also, you can fine tune the compiler with hell lot of options available tsconfig.json.
If you are familiar with Javascript, the below article gives quick example on how to get started with Typescript.
- Declaring data-type in function
function add(n1:number, n2:number)
2. Declaring data-type in code
let salary: number = 2300;
let favActivities: string[];
favActivities = ["Dhruv"]
3. Declaring Object-Type
const person: {
name: string;
age: number;
dept: string;
} = {
name: "Dhruv",
age: 36,
dept: null
4. For loop in typescript
const person:
name: string;
age: number;
dept: string;
hobbies: string[];
} = {
name: "Dhruv",
age: 36,
dept: "Tech",
hobbies: ["Coding","Designing"];for(const hobby of person.hobbies)
5. Declaring Enums
const person: {
name: string;
age: number;
dept: string;
hobbies: string[];
role: Role;
} = {
name: "Dhruv",
age: 36,
dept: "Tech",
hobbies: ["Coding","Designing"],
role: Role.ADMIN
for(const hobby of person.hobbies)
if(person.role === Role.ADMIN)
console.log("Person "+ person.name + " is an admin");
6. Union operator in TypeScript
function combine(input1: number | string, input2: number | string)
let result;
if(typeof input1 === 'number' && typeof input2==='number')
result = input1 + input2;
result = input1.toString() + input2.toString();
return result;
7. Custom Type in Typescript
type Combinable = number | string;
function combine(input1: Combinable, input2: Combinable)
let result;
if(typeof input1 === 'number' && typeof input2==='number')
result = input1 + input2;
result = input1.toString() + input2.toString();
return result;
8. Defining Function-types
function add(n1: number, n2:number): number
return n1 + n2;
}function printResult(num: number): void
console.log("Printing result:: " + num);
}let fnToBeCalled: Function = add;
9. Function Type in function
function greet(name: string): string
return "Hello " + name;
}let greetFunction: (name: string) => string;
greetFunction = greet;
10. Function Type in CallBack function
function addAndHandle(num1: number, num2: number, cb: (num: number)=>void)
cb(num1 + num2);
}addAndHandle(10, 30, (result: number) =>{console.log("Result is:: "+ result);});
11. Initializing typescript compiler to a project
tsc --init
12. Exporting objects
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
const SERVER_HOSTNAME = process.env.SERVER_HOSTNAME || 'localhost';
const SERVER_PORT = process.env.SERVER_PORT || 3000;const SERVER = {
}const config = {
server: SERVER
}export default config;
Here, dotenv is a library which holds the environment configuration in a .env file. Once, we have configured the environment in the file then we can use process.env.ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE within our application.
13. Declaring classes in Typescript
export default class Invoice
client: string;
details: string;
amount: number; constructor(_client: string, _details: string, _amount: number)
this.client = _client;
this.details = _details;
this.amount = _amount;
} format(): string
return `${this.client} owes me ${this.amount} with ${this.details}`;
14. Using classes to construct Objects
import Invoice from './classes/Invoice';
const invoice = new Invoice("Dhruv","For burger", 300);
const invoice2 = new Invoice("Hello", "No reqd", 700);let invoices: Invoice[] = [];
invoices.push(invoice2);invoices.forEach(inv => {
console.log(inv.client, inv.details, inv.amount, inv.format());
15. Declaring arrays
const topic: string[] = ['reviews'];
16. Importing modules in typescript
There are two ways to import modules in Typescript-
One when we want to import all functions of the module-
import * as BodyParser from 'body-parser';
Another is when we want to import specific functions from a module and use them directly-
import {json, raw} from 'body-parser';
17. Promises in Typescript
Here, is a sample code using which one can use promises in Typescript.
import "isomorphic-fetch";fetch("http://google.com")
.then( (response) => {
console.log("Response is:: "+ response.status);
.catch( (reason) => {
console.log("Reason is:: "+ reason);
.finally( () => {