Basic Docker commands
Docker is indeed a great platform. If you are dealing with high traffic and need a scalable solution, then Docker is a great tool to horizontally scale your services.
How many times we deal with a situation where something is running in the local environment but failed in production post-release. In majority of cases, we miss an environment config or folder creation or software version mismatch. Also, whenever we are scaling our services we build new machines and miss either a software installation, config, or library.
In a nutshell, Docker resolves all these problems with the help of containerization. Now, rather than shipping individual libraries, config and software, you ship the entire container which is less error-prone.
Below are the basic terminologies-
image — It’s a set of instructions to create a container on the Docker platform.
container — From the docker image, we create a container which is an environment where our application will execute.
DockerHub — A repository where have many developers have contributed their systems as docker images. One can download these images and easily construct containers to understand the application.
- Get an image from DockerHub
sudo docker pull centos
2. Execute a container from an image name
sudo docker run -it centos
3. Check the currently running containers
docker ps -a
4. List the current containers in the Docker platform
docker ps -a
5. Stop/Start a docker container
docker stop <containerId>
docker start <containerId>
6. Execute a command on a running container
docker exec -it <<container-id>> bash
Ex: docker exec -it 95086b7e2d47 bash
7. Commit a docker image to a repository
docker commit <<image-id>> dhruv/centos-dhruv
Ex:docker commit dc2d3bedf1aa dhruv/centos-dhruv
8. Remove a container
docker rm <containerId>
9. Remove a Docker image
docker rmi <image-id>
10. List the Docker images
docker image ls
11. Run a container from an image-id
docker run -i -t <<image-id>> bash
Ex: docker run -i -t 344d9a1ec989 bash
12. Clean-up all the stopped containers, un-unsed networks, dangling images and all build caches
docker system prune
13. Build an image from a DockerFile.(File named “Dockerfile” is present in the folder where the command is being executed)
docker build .
14. Run the docker container in detached mode
Here -d is used to run it as a separate process altogether. As an output of this command is the containerId
docker run -d -i -t <container-id>
15. Port mapping in docker container
We can map container ports to host port using -p flag.
The syntax is host_ip:host_port:container_port
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -i -t <container-id>
16. Listing docker networks
docker network ls
17. Inspect Docker network
docker inspect <network-id>
18. Execute an image with network mode as host
docker run --rm -d --network=host --name my_nginx nginx
19. Docker with MacOS
MacOS doesn’t support networking with hos using the above command.
If you want to access localhost from docker container, just replace localhost with host.docker.internal
20. Give Docker image a name during build
docker build -t <<image-name>> .
21. Remove all unused docker volumes
docker volume prune -f
22. Build docker image from a specific file-
docker build -f dockerfile.test .
23. Docker space details
docker system df
24. Space occupied by a docker process
docker ps --size
25. Getting memory and cpu usage of docker containers
docker stats
26. Setting ulimit in docker containers
In the example below, we are disabling core dumps
docker run --ulimit core=0 --rm -it bash
27. Tailing docker logs
Below command will tail last 10 lines in the docker container
docker logs -f --tail 10 <<container-name>>docker logs -f -n 100 <<container-name>>
28. Listing dangling docker volumes
docker volume ls -qf dangling=true